

You are reading the documentation for MMClassification 0.x, which will soon be deprecated at the end of 2022. We recommend you upgrade to MMClassification 1.0 to enjoy fruitful new features and better performance brought by OpenMMLab 2.0. Check the installation tutorial, migration tutorial and changelog for more details.


Log Analysis

Plot Curves

tools/analysis_tools/ plots curves of given keys according to the log files.

python tools/analysis_tools/ plot_curve  \
    ${JSON_LOGS}  \
    [--keys ${KEYS}]  \
    [--title ${TITLE}]  \
    [--legend ${LEGEND}]  \
    [--backend ${BACKEND}]  \
    [--style ${STYLE}]  \
    [--out ${OUT_FILE}]  \
    [--window-size ${WINDOW_SIZE}]

Description of all arguments

  • json_logs : The paths of the log files, separate multiple files by spaces.

  • --keys : The fields of the logs to analyze, separate multiple keys by spaces. Defaults to ‘loss’.

  • --title : The title of the figure. Defaults to use the filename.

  • --legend : The names of legend, the number of which must be equal to len(${JSON_LOGS}) * len(${KEYS}). Defaults to use "${JSON_LOG}-${KEYS}".

  • --backend : The backend of matplotlib. Defaults to auto selected by matplotlib.

  • --style : The style of the figure. Default to whitegrid.

  • --out : The path of the output picture. If not set, the figure won’t be saved.

  • --window-size: The shape of the display window. The format should be 'W*H'. Defaults to '12*7'.


The --style option depends on seaborn package, please install it before setting it.


  • Plot the loss curve in training.

    python tools/analysis_tools/ plot_curve your_log_json --keys loss --legend loss
  • Plot the top-1 accuracy and top-5 accuracy curves, and save the figure to results.jpg.

    python tools/analysis_tools/ plot_curve your_log_json --keys accuracy_top-1 accuracy_top-5  --legend top1 top5 --out results.jpg
  • Compare the top-1 accuracy of two log files in the same figure.

    python tools/analysis_tools/ plot_curve log1.json log2.json --keys accuracy_top-1 --legend exp1 exp2


The tool will automatically select to find keys in training logs or validation logs according to the keys. Therefore, if you add a custom evaluation metric, please also add the key to TEST_METRICS in this tool.

Calculate Training Time

tools/analysis_tools/ can also calculate the training time according to the log files.

python tools/analysis_tools/ cal_train_time \

Description of all arguments:

  • json_logs : The paths of the log files, separate multiple files by spaces.

  • --include-outliers : If set, include the first iteration in each epoch (Sometimes the time of first iterations is longer).


python tools/analysis_tools/ cal_train_time work_dirs/some_exp/20200422_153324.log.json

The output is expected to be like the below.

-----Analyze train time of work_dirs/some_exp/20200422_153324.log.json-----
slowest epoch 68, average time is 0.3818
fastest epoch 1, average time is 0.3694
time std over epochs is 0.0020
average iter time: 0.3777 s/iter

Result Analysis

With the --out argument in tools/, we can save the inference results of all samples as a file. And with this result file, we can do further analysis.

Evaluate Results

tools/analysis_tools/ can evaluate metrics again.

python tools/analysis_tools/ \
      ${CONFIG} \
      ${RESULT} \
      [--metrics ${METRICS}]  \
      [--cfg-options ${CFG_OPTIONS}] \
      [--metric-options ${METRIC_OPTIONS}]

Description of all arguments:

  • config : The path of the model config file.

  • result: The Output result file in json/pickle format from tools/

  • --metrics : Evaluation metrics, the acceptable values depend on the dataset.

  • --cfg-options: If specified, the key-value pair config will be merged into the config file, for more details please refer to Tutorial 1: Learn about Configs

  • --metric-options: If specified, the key-value pair arguments will be passed to the metric_options argument of dataset’s evaluate function.


In tools/, we support using --out-items option to select which kind of results will be saved. Please ensure the result file includes “class_scores” to use this tool.


python tools/analysis_tools/ configs/t2t_vit/ your_result.pkl --metrics accuracy --metric-options "topk=(1,5)"

View Typical Results

tools/analysis_tools/ can save the images with the highest scores in successful or failed prediction.

python tools/analysis_tools/ \
      ${CONFIG} \
      ${RESULT} \
      [--out-dir ${OUT_DIR}] \
      [--topk ${TOPK}] \
      [--cfg-options ${CFG_OPTIONS}]

Description of all arguments:

  • config : The path of the model config file.

  • result: Output result file in json/pickle format from tools/

  • --out-dir: Directory to store output files.

  • --topk: The number of images in successful or failed prediction with the highest topk scores to save. If not specified, it will be set to 20.

  • --cfg-options: If specified, the key-value pair config will be merged into the config file, for more details please refer to Tutorial 1: Learn about Configs


In tools/, we support using --out-items option to select which kind of results will be saved. Please ensure the result file includes “pred_score”, “pred_label” and “pred_class” to use this tool.


python tools/analysis_tools/ \
       configs/resnet/ \
       result.pkl \
       --out-dir results \
       --topk 50

Model Complexity

Get the FLOPs and params (experimental)

We provide a script adapted from flops-counter.pytorch to compute the FLOPs and params of a given model.

python tools/analysis_tools/ ${CONFIG_FILE} [--shape ${INPUT_SHAPE}]

Description of all arguments:

  • config : The path of the model config file.

  • --shape: Input size, support single value or double value parameter, such as --shape 256 or --shape 224 256. If not set, default to be 224 224.

You will get a result like this.

Input shape: (3, 224, 224)
Flops: 4.12 GFLOPs
Params: 25.56 M


This tool is still experimental and we do not guarantee that the number is correct. You may well use the result for simple comparisons, but double-check it before you adopt it in technical reports or papers.

  • FLOPs are related to the input shape while parameters are not. The default input shape is (1, 3, 224, 224).

  • Some operators are not counted into FLOPs like GN and custom operators. Refer to mmcv.cnn.get_model_complexity_info() for details.


  • None

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