
Customize Data Pipeline

Design of Data pipelines

In the new dataset tutorial, we know that the dataset class use the load_data_list method to initialize the entire dataset, and we save the information of every sample to a dict.

Usually, to save memory usage, we only load image paths and labels in the load_data_list, and load full image content when we use them. Moreover, we may want to do some random data augmentation during picking samples when training. Almost all data loading, pre-processing, and formatting operations can be configured in MMClassification by the data pipeline.

The data pipeline means how to process the sample dict when indexing a sample from the dataset. And it consists of a sequence of data transforms. Each data transform takes a dict as input, processes it, and outputs a dict for the next data transform.

Here is a data pipeline example for ResNet-50 training on ImageNet.

train_pipeline = [
    dict(type='RandomResizedCrop', scale=224),
    dict(type='RandomFlip', prob=0.5, direction='horizontal'),

All available data transforms in MMClassification can be found in the data transforms docs.

Modify the training/test pipeline

The data pipeline in MMClassification is pretty flexible. You can control almost every step of the data preprocessing from the config file, but on the other hand, you may be confused facing so many options.

Here is a common practice and guidance for image classification tasks.


At the beginning of a data pipeline, we usually need to load image data from the file path. LoadImageFromFile is commonly used to do this task.

train_pipeline = [

If you want to load data from files with special formats or special locations, you can implement a new loading transform and add it at the beginning of the data pipeline.

Augmentation and other processing

During training, we usually need to do data augmentation to avoid overfitting. During the test, we also need to do some data processing like resizing and cropping. These data transforms will be placed after the loading process.

Here is a simple data augmentation recipe example. It will randomly resize and crop the input image to the specified scale, and randomly flip the image horizontally with probability.

train_pipeline = [
    dict(type='RandomResizedCrop', scale=224),
    dict(type='RandomFlip', prob=0.5, direction='horizontal'),

Here is a heavy data augmentation recipe example used in Swin-Transformer training. To align with the official implementation, it specified pillow as the resize backend and bicubic as the resize algorithm. Moreover, it added RandAugment and RandomErasing as extra data augmentation method.

This configuration specified every detail of the data augmentation, and you can simply copy it to your own config file to apply the data augmentations of the Swin-Transformer.

bgr_mean = [103.53, 116.28, 123.675]
bgr_std = [57.375, 57.12, 58.395]

train_pipeline = [
    dict(type='RandomResizedCrop', scale=224, backend='pillow', interpolation='bicubic'),
    dict(type='RandomFlip', prob=0.5, direction='horizontal'),
            pad_val=[round(x) for x in bgr_mean], interpolation='bicubic')),
        max_area_ratio=1 / 3,


Usually, the data augmentation part in the data pipeline handles only image-wise transforms, but not transforms like image normalization or mixup/cutmix. It’s because we can do image normalization and mixup/cutmix on batch data to accelerate. To configure image normalization and mixup/cutmix, please use the [data preprocessor] (mmcls.models.utils.data_preprocessor).


The formatting is to collect training data from the data information dict and convert these data to model-friendly format.

In most cases, you can simply use PackClsInputs, and it will convert the image in NumPy array format to PyTorch tensor, and pack the ground truth categories information and other meta information as a ClsDataSample.

train_pipeline = [

Add new data transforms

  1. Write a new data transform in any file, e.g.,, and place it in the folder mmcls/datasets/transforms/. The data transform class needs to inherit the mmcv.transforms.BaseTransform class and override the transform method which takes a dict as input and returns a dict.

    from mmcv.transforms import BaseTransform
    from mmcls.datasets import TRANSFORMS
    class MyTransform(BaseTransform):
        def transform(self, results):
            # Modify the data information dict `results`.
            return results
  2. Import the new class in the mmcls/datasets/transforms/

    from .my_transform import MyTransform
    __all__ = [
        ..., 'MyTransform'
  3. Use it in config files.

    train_pipeline = [

Pipeline visualization

After designing data pipelines, you can use the visualization tools to view the performance.

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