
Customize Evaluation Metrics

Use metrics in MMClassification

In MMClassification, we have provided multiple metrics for both single-label classification and multi-label classification:

Single-label Classification:

  • Accuracy

  • SingleLabelMetric, including precision, recall, f1-score and support.

Multi-label Classification:

  • AveragePrecision, or AP (mAP).

  • MultiLabelMetric, including precision, recall, f1-score and support.

To use these metrics during validation and testing, we need to modify the val_evaluator and test_evaluator fields in the config file.

Here is several examples:

  1. Calculate top-1 and top-5 accuracy during both validation and test.

    val_evaluator = dict(type='Accuracy', topk=(1, 5))
    test_evaluator = val_evaluator
  2. Calculate top-1 accuracy, top-5 accuracy, precision and recall during both validation and test.

    val_evaluator = [
      dict(type='Accuracy', topk=(1, 5)),
      dict(type='SingleLabelMetric', items=['precision', 'recall']),
    test_evaluator = val_evaluator
  3. Calculate mAP (mean AveragePrecision), CP (Class-wise mean Precision), CR (Class-wise mean Recall), CF (Class-wise mean F1-score), OP (Overall mean Precision), OR (Overall mean Recall) and OF1 (Overall mean F1-score).

    val_evaluator = [
      dict(type='MultiLabelMetric', average='macro'),  # class-wise mean
      dict(type='MultiLabelMetric', average='micro'),  # overall mean
    test_evaluator = val_evaluator

Add new metrics

MMClassification supports the implementation of customized evaluation metrics for users who pursue higher customization.

You need to create a new file under mmcls/evaluation/metrics, and implement the new metric in the file, for example, in mmcls/evaluation/metrics/ And create a customized evaluation metric class MyMetric which inherits BaseMetric in MMEngine.

The data format processing method process and the metric calculation method compute_metrics need to be overwritten respectively. Add it to the METRICS registry to implement any customized evaluation metric.

from mmengine.evaluator import BaseMetric
from mmcls.registry import METRICS

class MyMetric(BaseMetric):

    def process(self, data_batch: Sequence[Dict], data_samples: Sequence[Dict]):
    """ The processed results should be stored in ``self.results``, which will
        be used to computed the metrics when all batches have been processed.
        `data_batch` stores the batch data from dataloader,
        and `data_samples` stores the batch outputs from model.

    def compute_metrics(self, results: List):
    """ Compute the metrics from processed results and returns the evaluation results.

Then, import it in the mmcls/evaluation/metrics/ to add it into the mmcls.evaluation package.

# In mmcls/evaluation/metrics/
from .my_metric import MyMetric

__all__ = [..., 'MyMetric']

Finally, use MyMetric in the val_evaluator and test_evaluator field of config files.

val_evaluator = dict(type='MyMetric', ...)
test_evaluator = val_evaluator


More details can be found in MMEngine Documentation: Evaluation.

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